The Fastest Way To Optimize Your Money, Eliminate Your Debt, & Build Wealth
The Shred Method™ explained
Make Financial Freedom Not Just A Reality, But A Certainty.
Before you dive into The Shred Method™, be warned… this is a bit like when Morpheus offered Neo the red pill or the blue pill in the movie The Matrix:
“This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends; you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
With that out of the way… here’s the red pill:
If you follow conventional advice, you’ll get conventional results. And if you’ve paid any attention to the average American’s financial state, you’ll know most of them are wondering:
How will I pay for college?
Will I have enough money to retire?
How can I build real wealth?
Why can’t I get ahead faster?
Is there a better/different way!
There are three main questions that you must ask yourself to begin to understand how The Shred Method™ will work for you:

How much of my income do I actually own?

You might answer this question — “all of it!” However, is that really true?
The two greatest expenses we have in life are taxes and the interest expense on debt — and the two of those could amount to 35-55% of what you make every month.
That’s earned money you don’t own.
Think about this: We keep money in banks earning a fraction of a percent — money that is “safe” — all while paying significant amounts of interest on student loans, credit cards, car loans and mortgages.
If you want to get really motivated to make a change, look up the amortization table on your mortgage. Add up how much interest you paid in the first year or two of your mortgage compared to how much of your payment went to principal. (Most people are sickened by what they see.)
Ever wonder why there’s a new bank popping up in your neighborhood every few months? It’s because the way we function is very profitable… for them.
Imagine owning nearly ALL of your income on a monthly basis. It’s not only possible with The Shred Method™, it’s a mathematical certainty when you follow the system.

Do I have an income problem, or do I have a liquidity problem?
You are contributing to retirement accounts. Your income is covering all of your bills every month with some left over. And it still seems as though getting ahead is a challenge. Opportunities have presented themselves, but it would require that you cash out of your qualified retirement vehicles just to participate. At the same time, you probably worry a bit about market volatility and whether there will be enough to retire comfortably.
In essence, you’re ill-liquid. (Liquidity simply means access to funds.)
Our government has very creatively designed incentives to participate in qualified investments. These are vehicles like 401k’s and IRAs that have certain tax benefits to them, along with some very stringent rules. You can add certain amounts to these vehicles every year, although accessing these funds can only be done (without penalty) between 59 1/2 and 70 1/2. That means the funds are locked down tighter than a rusted lug nut.

So the majority of your funds are locked in accounts that you won’t be able to touch for years (maybe decades), and the fear of market fluctuations make you uneasy.
There is another way…
Imagine being truly liquid.
Being able to write a check for a vehicle.
Cash flowing college costs.
Investing $100k in a safe, secure, cash flow producing asset that’s not time bound.
Within 24-36 months, you’ll have this level of liquidity when you follow The Shred Method™. No “hope” necessary… it’s not magic, it’s math.
If you’re wondering where the liquidity comes from, go back and read #1 — if you stop making your lenders so much money, more and more of that is yours to build wealth.
That leads to question #3:

Is my income being used in the most efficient manner?

If you left your home at 8am to stop at the grocery store, then came home knowing you were going to go to the post office at 4pm, would you leave your car running in the driveway all day?
Of course the answer is no.
It would be inefficient, hard on your engine, a waste of gas, expensive, and your car might get stolen.
You do this very thing with your income. It sits, idling, in a bank account earning diddly squat while the other debts you have are burning the very dollars you’re trying to get to grow.
Your income is inefficient and it’s costing you a fortune that could enable you to retire early, in comfort, and with significantly less risk.
The Shred Method™ will show you step by step how to make your income as efficient as it can possibly be. In the process, the average Shred Method™ user saves well over $100,000 in interest expense that would otherwise be collected by a lender. That is the money that will help you achieve true financial freedom.
For more in depth information, CLICK HERE.

Detailed Budget
The software platform requires that you take the time to create a budget for you to meet your financial goals. This is the first step to realizing your dream of true financial freedom. Closely review how much money you earn each month and then reconcile it with how much you are spending each month. The software platform will only work if you are making more money than you are spending.

Checking/Savings Account or Line of Credit (LOC)
The software platform uses one of the above bank instruments as a tool to drive the platform. In most cases, using a traditional checking/savings account will be sufficient, however if you choose to use a line of credit, the line of credit must have the capacity to operate just like your checking account and must be set up with an open-end interest calculation. Using a line of credit with our web-based software platform creates an environment in which the money available from your line of credit account generates an interest cancellation on your primary mortgage.

Wealth Acceleration Software Platform
Statistic show that most consumers do not meet their financial goals on their own due to a lack of financial literacy. This is the reason why using a mechanism such as our software platform to help manage your finances is so important. Every individual, due to the uniqueness of their financial circumstances, requires a custom wealth acceleration plan to achieve optimal results. The software platform will maximize the highest and best use of your net discretionary income every single month, creating the highest interest savings possible in the least amount of time.
It is important to note that while using a line of credit is considered by some as the optimal way to take advantage of this program it is not the only way to use the program effectively. The mathematical algorithms at the core of our financial software program will also work with other financial accounts/instruments such as a traditional checking and/or savings account. Although rarely used, it will even work effectively by using a credit card as your acceleration account.

"We have two full-time incomes and it seemed like every month we had no idea where the money went. Not only are we more diligent about how we spend, we're tracking our net worth just because we're actually seeing it grow."
- Heather M.- Livermore, CA

"We've been using The Shred Method™ for the past 3 years. What started as a $250,000 mortgage is now sitting at $85,000. Amazing!"
- Jeffrey K.- Denver, CO

"My husband and I are finally on the same page when it comes to discussing our finances. Thanks to the dashboard, it's easier to see that our income is actually working FOR us instead of us working for IT."
- Kasey W.- Tipton, IA
Most people can be completely out of debt (mortgage included) within 3-5 years.
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