Meet The Shred Team
We are a small, but growing group of people who are passionate about helping others achieve freedom in record time. Each of us have our own reasons for pursuing financial abundance and freedom -- whatever yours is, we want to help you get there!

Adam Carroll
Founder + Chief Educator
Adam Carroll has decades of experience working with families and business owners who are interested in creating massive efficiencies when it comes to their income and wealth building capacity. With an unwavering commitment to helping people make the most of the money they make, while limiting risk, reducing tax liabilities, and increasing liquidity, Adam Carroll has spent 15 years helping people do more with the money they make. He is an internationally recognized financial literacy expert, author of three Amazon best-sellers, a two-time TED talk speaker with over 6 million views on YouTube and, and is the creator of the Broke, Busted & Disgusted documentary which aired on CNBC and is shown in hundreds of high schools and colleges across the country. He is the host of the Build A Bigger Life podcast, the curator of and founder of The Shred Method™.

Nick Der
Strategy + Operations
With educational and professional experience in the financial and investing industry, @nickderofficial’s mission is to coach and empower people to live the life they never dreamed possible, while ensuring the financial component aligns with their vision. Nick combines his passion for big picture strategy with daily operations that make for smooth processes. Nick has delivered a TEDx talk on Meditation & Neuroscience and applies his extensive training and development in behavioral finance, having coached Olympic athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, couples, and recent college graduates to empower them around their relationship to money. Nick is grateful to be a part of The Shred Method™ team as it fulfills his purpose to help people not only become debt free, but also to create financial abundance and wealth.

Kaitlyn Lyders
Client + Community Relations
"Working with a team that shares the same vision, passion, and commitment to share financial education for the benefit of others." Mom of three, and wife of a farmer, Kaitlyn resides in a small town in North Central Montana. But that didn't stop her from seeking financial education and experience from all over the US with the help of Adam and The Shred Method™. Starting her professional career as a family and consumer sciences teacher, Kaitlyn was well aware that financial education is a discipline many students miss out on in high school. Following the lead of Adam Carroll, she began promoting his book and workbook series Mastery of Money for Students. Soon it would become apparent that financial education for adults was just as imperative. Kaitlyn joined The Shred Method™ team to assist members in rapidly reducing their consumer debt and becoming financially free.
Most people can be completely out of debt (mortgage included) within 3-5 years.
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